Monday, August 23, 2010

New Orleans Characters and Misfits Art Showing

Hard to believe seven months have passed since opening 8219 Oak Street Gallery in New Orleans, Louisiana. My business partner packed up her things and left, water pipes broke upstairs, and heavy rains flooded the streets. I am not complaining but, lord its been a rollercoaster. I have no regrets about moving onto Oak street and opening a gallery. The screenscapes have been selling and I am building a great business. I have been inviting other artists to exhibit at 8219 Oak Street Gallery. Ed Taylor's Mardi Gras floats have been selling and I am hoping his art showing is a sellout and he is able to open his own gallery.

My next showing is October 2nd and I will be creating New Orleans characters and misfits. The screenscape portraits will be a revival of Acadian screen masks but, with my touches of found objects and decoration. I created my first "misfit" and his name is JaCk. Have a look and tell me your thoughts

Monday, March 15, 2010

8219 Oak Street Studios New Orleans, Louisiana

Well, a lot has happened since my last blog entry. I am still creating screenscapes on screen windows and doors and my new studio and gallery space allows me to create and display larger screenscapes. I am very thankful for the space we acquired and my new business partner Susan Owen thinks the space is "amazing". Clients tell us our works of art work well together and we have worked hard to create a comfortable welcoming space. Most people working on Oak street have been great and very supportive (there is the occasional negative or undertoning remarks). We just feel at home on Oak street and opening a studio/gallery during these hard times can bring anxiety but, sometimes taking the risks in life helps to build more confidence and inspiration to create more art. How many people can say, " I look forward to going to work today and painting, sculpting, or photographing what I find most beautiful in life."
Oak street is hopping and more and more artists and other business owners are starting to look at Oak street to open their own shops and galleries. Oprah recenlty put Oak street on her list of things that have improved in the nation. New streets, sidewalks, and restored store fronts has brought back the nostalgic Oak street. One feels they have walked back in time and sometimes you get a visitor walking down Oak street and see the excitement in their face that they have found a bit of the past with the new. So, if you ever get to New Orleans stop by Oak Street Studios and have a cup of tea or coffee with us. Does not cost you anything to look or talk.